Guertler Mario
2016-02-04 14:12:03 UTC
Hi all,
I think I found a bug in your implementation. We are using JCIFS in many applications successfully, but if the number sign ('#') is used in password then we get problems.
I already figured out where the problem is; the passed URL string of constructor 'public SmbFile(String url)' is not correctly parsed.
The following code:
String connectString ="smb://user:passwort#***@host/share/Test/";
SmbFile polledFile = new SmbFile(connectString);
Results in following field variables of class SmbFile or better of class URL
authority "user:test#***@host"
file "#***@host/share/Test/"
path "#***@host/share/Test/"
protocol "smb"
userInfo "user:test#123456789"
So you can see that the file/path is not correct und the access to this file will fail because it does not exist.
Mit freundlichem Gruß / Best regards
Mario Gürtler
Senior Engineer
znt Zentren für Neue Technologien GmbH
Institut Dresden
Am Brauhaus 12
D-01099 Dresden
Hauptverwaltung und Sitz: Lena-Christ-Str. 2, 82031 Grünwald, Amtsgericht München HRB 179019
Geschäftsführer: Bernhard Marsoner, Ulrike Birnstiel
Prokuristen: Hans Mayer, Gerhard Schrottshamer
Office: +49 351 652 480-20
Fax: +49 351 652 480-29
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I think I found a bug in your implementation. We are using JCIFS in many applications successfully, but if the number sign ('#') is used in password then we get problems.
I already figured out where the problem is; the passed URL string of constructor 'public SmbFile(String url)' is not correctly parsed.
The following code:
String connectString ="smb://user:passwort#***@host/share/Test/";
SmbFile polledFile = new SmbFile(connectString);
Results in following field variables of class SmbFile or better of class URL
authority "user:test#***@host"
file "#***@host/share/Test/"
path "#***@host/share/Test/"
protocol "smb"
userInfo "user:test#123456789"
So you can see that the file/path is not correct und the access to this file will fail because it does not exist.
Mit freundlichem Gruß / Best regards
Mario Gürtler
Senior Engineer
znt Zentren für Neue Technologien GmbH
Institut Dresden
Am Brauhaus 12
D-01099 Dresden
Hauptverwaltung und Sitz: Lena-Christ-Str. 2, 82031 Grünwald, Amtsgericht München HRB 179019
Geschäftsführer: Bernhard Marsoner, Ulrike Birnstiel
Prokuristen: Hans Mayer, Gerhard Schrottshamer
Office: +49 351 652 480-20
Fax: +49 351 652 480-29
E-Mail: ***
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Munich | Burghausen | Dresden | Villach/Austria | Singapore | Penang/Malaysia | San Francisco/USA
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