Post by Michael B AllenPost by madhur chainiAs internet is growing fast.Now time has come to support ipv6 address
too.So,kindly give a patch for supporting this in your jcifs.Its very urgent
and it is the only jar available for supporting SMB.
Do let me know when you people are going to deploy this changes??
Hi Madhur,
Sorry but IPv6 is not a high priority. JCIFS is an IntrAnet tool so
it's just not that common to see IPv6 on an IntrAnet. IPv6 hasn't even
caught on on the IntErnet yet. So it's just not high on the list of
things TODO. It's definitely a "2.0" sort of feature. And
unfortunately it's not a trivial modification. I think there is some
code that thinks addresses are dot-quat notation.
The NBT transport layer, which is defined in RFC1001/RFC1002, requires IPv4.
That's one reason (of many) that NBT is being deprecated.
There is nothing inherent in SMB itself that requires IPv4 or v6, so it
would be a case of disentangling any bits of jCIFS that assume IPv4.
Madhur: Are you a coder?
Chris -)-----
"Implementing CIFS - the Common Internet FileSystem" ISBN: 013047116X
Samba Team -- -)----- Christopher R. Hertel
jCIFS Team -- -)----- ubiqx development, uninq.
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