Vella, Shon
2016-10-13 21:37:01 UTC
I've been working on a patch for jcifs and have been trying to run through
the full test suite that is hidden under examples and am having troubles
with the GrowWrite example. It basically is crapping out with a status code
of 0xC0000243, which I think ends up being because we have opened the over
1000 output streams on the same file without ever closing it. Just
wondering what this was supposed to be testing and if it is supposed to
crap out and if the files are intentionally being left open.
*Shon Vella*
*Identity Automation*
Product Engineer
281-220-0021 x2030 office
281-817-5579 fax
the full test suite that is hidden under examples and am having troubles
with the GrowWrite example. It basically is crapping out with a status code
of 0xC0000243, which I think ends up being because we have opened the over
1000 output streams on the same file without ever closing it. Just
wondering what this was supposed to be testing and if it is supposed to
crap out and if the files are intentionally being left open.
*Shon Vella*
*Identity Automation*
Product Engineer
281-220-0021 x2030 office
281-817-5579 fax